At higher altitudes, temperature is ____ At lower altitudes (nearer to the ground), the gravity pull is ____. At higher altitudes (higher up), the gravity pull is ____. When the gravity pull is weaker at higher altitudes, the air pressure is hence ____ The air pressure will be ____ at ____ altitudes, due to stronger gravity pull. At lower altitudes, the air density is higher due to ____ pressure. At higher altitudes, the air density is ____ due to lower pressure. Lower air density means that the air particles are ____ closely packed (further apart). Higher air density means that the air particles are ____ closely packed. When the air density is lower, it experiences ____ ability to absorb and radiate heat, hence experiencing ____. When the air density is higher, it experiences ____ ability to absorb and radiate heat, hence experiencing ____.

S3 CLM 1.2 (Altitude)


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