What are cells? - Basic unit of life; all life is made up of at least one cell, What organelles can I see under a light microscope - Nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, vacuoles, chloroplasts and cell wall (in plant cells), What organelles can I see under an electron microscope? - Rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, What is the function of the nucleus? - Contains genetic material that controls cell activities such as growth and repair, What is the function of the cell membrane? - Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell, What is the function of the cytoplasm? - Site where most chemical reactions in the cell occurs, What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? - Synthesises and transports proteins that will be secreted to the Golgi apparatus, What is the function of ribosomes? - Site of protein synthesis., What is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum? - Synthesises lipids and detoxification (breakdown of harmful substances), What is the function of vesicles? - Transport substances from one membrane system to another membrane system, What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? - Modifies and packages proteins from the RER into vesicles, What is the function of vacuoles in an animal cell? - Stores food, water and waste materials temporarily, What are the functions of vacuoles in a plant cell? - Stores food, water and waste materials temporarily; needed to exert turgor pressure on the cell wall, What is the function of mitochondria? - Site of aerobic respiration to release energy for cellular activities, What is the function of chloroplasts? - Site of photosynthesis to produce glucose and oxygen, What are the functions of the cell wall? - Provides the cell protection and mechanical support; prevents the cell from bursting when placed into a solution of higher water potential, What is the meaning of differentiation? - Differentiation is the process by which a cell becomes specialised for a specific function.,


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