addysg - education, cyfleuster - facility, cyfleusterau - facilities, chwarel - quarry, chwareli - quarries, glan - shore, bank, glannau - shores, banks, gwylan - seagull, gwylanod - seagulls, llechen - slate, llechi - slates, mellten - lightning, mellten - lightning (lluosog), mordaith - cruise, mordeithiau - cruises, oriel - gallery, orielau - galleries, safon - standard, safonau - standards, asgwrn - bone, esgyrn - bones, beirniad - judge, adjudicator, beirniaid - judges, adjudicators, beudy - cowshed, beudai - cowsheds, cyfnod - period (amser), cyfnodau - periods (amser), defnydd - use, gwestai - guest, gwesteion - guests, holiadur - questionnaire, holiaduron - questionnaires, lleoliad - location, lleoliadau - locations, llyn - lake, llynnoedd - lakes, marc - mark, marciau - marks, pleser - pleasure, pleserau - pleasures, sgerbwd - skeleton, sgerbydau - skeletons, sidan - silk, tortsh - torch, tortschys - torches, twrist - tourist, twristiaid - tourists, achosi - to cause, crwydro - to wander, to roam, cynnal - to hold, absennol - absent, anferth - huge, costus - pricey, dychrynllyd - frightening, gwerin - folk, ar hyd - along, Caeredin - Edinburgh, dod i ben - to come to an end, er gwaetha - despite, llond bola - bellyfull (fed up), newydd sbon - brand new, o leia - at least, yr Unol Daleithiau - the United States,

Geirfa Uned 05, Canolradd, Cymraeg i Oedolion (de)


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