from the simplest to the most complicated appliance at home are made by applying the natural law of physics - basis of technology, study of the rules by which the physical world operates - laws of nature, refers to the repeatability of a measurement using a given instrument - precision, refers to how close a measurement is to the correct value for that measurement - accuracy, convenient way of writing very large and very small numbers. - scientific notation, most important unit that physicists use today is - Système Internationale (International System, Fr.) SI, Measurement of any quantity is made relative to a particular standard o - units, defined as a continuous change in position with respect to an object’s starting point - motion, often used to indicate a decrease in velocity - decceleration, rate of change of velocity - acceleration, Quantities with both magnitude and direction - vectors, expressed by giving the magnitude without reference to direction - scalar, represents the sum of two or more vectors - resultant vector, simplest form of motion is along a straight line - rectilinear motion, free fall is when an object is moving only under the influence of gravity - vertical motion, acceleration is constant in a fixed direction - uniform acceleration, The motion of freely falling objects was first analyzed by - Galileo Galilei, the motion of a object with a constant acceleration - projectile motion, an object or body thrown with an initial velocity and whose motion is influenced by the pull of gravity - projectile, is the path of a projectile; it is principally determined by two types of motion: vertical and horizontal motions - trajectory, to get the vertical and horizontal components of the velocity use - SOHCAHTOA,


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