What 3 European countries explored the New World?, What are the 3 reasons European countries explored and colonized the New World?, What European country was seeking fur trading?, What was one piece of advice from Washington's Farewell Address? , What country claimed the atlantic coast?, What was Washington's plan when it came to foreign policy?, What does geography influence?, What is the significance of the date 1607?, What was the first representative government in the colonies?, What group came to Plymouth, MA seeking religious freedom?, What is the significance of the date 1620?, What country owns the 13 colonies?, What colonial region was known for cash crops, plantations, and slaves?, What colonial region had rocky soil and cold climate?, What colonial region was known as the breadbasket?, What cash crop was grown in Jamestown?, Who founded Connecticut and wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?, What group founded Maryland for religious freedom?, What Quaker founded Pennsylvania?, What is the name of the economic system where England controls the trade of the colonies?, What mountains provided a geographical barrier heading west from the colonies?, Who were the 2 European countries involved in the French and Indian War?, What officially ends wars?, What is the significance of the Proclamation of 1763?, Why did England tax colonists after the French and Indian War?, What was the slogan of the colonists in response to British taxation?, What act forced colonists to house and feed soldiers?, Who founded the Sons of Liberty?, What did the tax on tea led the colonists to do?, What was the name of the act that punished Boston colonists for the Boston Tea Party?, What were the first battles of the American Revolution?, What was written in 1776?, Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?, Who wrote Common Sense?, What are your unalienable rights?, What was the turning point in the American Revolution?, What was the final battle of the American Revolution?, What ended the American Revolution, forcing Britain to recognize US Independence?, What was the first constitution of the US that did not work?, What is the significance of the Northwest Ordinance?, What made farmers rebel in Shays Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion?, In what year was the US Constitution written?, What compromise dealt with how much we count slaves?, What compromise created the Legislative Branch?, What are the 7 Constitutional Principles? (FLIPRCS), What group wanted to ratify the Constitution?, What group demanded a Bill of Rights be added?, What are your 1st Amendment rights?, What is the significance of the 4th Amendment?, What is the significance of the 8th Amendment?.


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