1) One teenager eats a Tide Pod on YouTube: There is an epidemic of teenagers eating Tide Pods! a) Hasty Generalization b) Ad Hominem c) Slippery Slope d) Red Herring 2) Everyone is *obsessed* with these leggings! a) Red Herring b) Appeal to Fear c) Guilty by Association d) Bandwagon 3) If you vote for my opponent, criminals won't face justice. a) Bandwagon b) Appeal to Fear c) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy d) Red Herring 4) So you need a raise? I bet you also need 5 weeks paid vacation and keys to the store! a) Ad Hominem b) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy c) Straw Man d) Hasty Generalization 5) If we allow 16-year-olds to vote, they will elect TikTok creators, and only dancing will be taught in schools! a) Slippery Slope b) Hasty Generalization c) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy d) Guilty by Association 6) Of course my opponent wants to decriminalize recreational drugs--look at his old van and his haircut! a) Bandwagon b) Guilty by Association c) Slippery Slope d) Ad Hominem 7) You're either with us or against us! a) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy b) Straw Man c) Red Herring d) Appeal to Fear 8) My opponent claims to support public health, but here's a picture of her mother eating at KFC! a) Bandwagon b) Appeal to Fear c) Guilty by Association d) Slippery Slope 9) When did you come up with this healthcare reform plan? When you were having an affair in Las Vegas? a) Red Herring b) Guilty by Association c) Bandwagon d) Hasty Generalization 10) Don't miss out on the latest news! a) Bandwagon b) Ad Hominem c) Red Herring d) Hasty Generalization 11) If you like Pumpkin Spice Lattes, you're basic! a) Slippery Slope b) Hasty Generalization c) Ad hominem d) Straw Man 12) Oh, you want to wear hats in school? So you don't think anyone should be in charge, and no one should learn? a) Red Herring b) Straw Man c) Guilty by Association d) Hasty Generalization 13) If you cross your eyes, they'll get stuck that way! a) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy b) Slippery Slope c) Red Herring d) Appeal to Fear 14) She shouldn't be elected mayor. She dresses poorly and has bad breath! a) Ad Hominem b) Bandwagon c) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy d) Straw Man 15) If we feed the hungry, they won't want to work and they will always be dependent on others. a) Red Herring b) Ad Hominem c) Slippery Slope d) Bandwagon 16) Sure, you *say* you love America, but why do you have three Russian friends on Facebook? a) Straw Man b) Appeal to Fear c) Hasty Generalization d) Guilty by Association 17) Look, you're either dedicated to this all-night Pokémon Gym Raid, or you're not a real trainer! a) Appeal to Fear b) False Dilemma/False Dichotomy c) Bandwagon d) Ad Hominem 18) Did I do the homework...? That's a really dapper sweater, Mr. Wood!  a) Red Herring b) Guilty by Association c) Straw Man d) Hasty Generalization


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