The teachers …………………………………………………. (have / meeting) at the moment., He often ………………………………………………… (go / shopping) at the weekends., They ………………………………………………… (go / beach) last weekend., She ………………………………………………… (not do / yoga) when her mum came in., My brother called me while I ………………………………………………… (study)., This is …………………………………………………(beautiful) place I have ever seen., I …………………………………………………(not fly) to Paris on Monday., …………………………………………………(he / go) to the gym every Saturday?, I ………………………………………………… (not see / she) since last September. , We ………………………………………………… (be) in Italy last summer., She ………………………………………………… (call / he) yesterday, but he didn’t answer., I ………………………………………………… (learn / English) for ten years. , I ………………………………………………… (buy / new dress) and some shoes last Friday., She …………………………………………………  (be / smart) girl in class., I like ………………………………………………… (go / cinema)., I would ………………………………………………… (like / see) this film., Mark sometimes ………………………………………………… (help / he) grandfather in the garden., We all enjoy ………………………………………………… (listen / music)., She wants to be a doctor. She ………………………………………………… (be) to study medicine., ‘I ………………………………………………… (pay back / you) soon, I promise!’, There ………………………………………………… (not be) of blocks of flats in my city., I was late to school because I ………………………………………………… (miss) my bus., The students ………………………………………………… (write / exam) at the moment., We ………………………………………………… (have / picnic) when it started to rain., Who ………………………………………………… (you / talk) when I saw you last night?, If I had more time, I ………………………………………………. (do) more sports., If the weather is nice this weekend, we ………………………………………………… (go) cycling., ………………………………………………… (ever / be) to France?, Best students ………………………………………………… (be / give) awards at the end of the school year., We ………………………………………………… (never / see) such an amazing view., By the time we got to the party, everyone ………………………………………………… (go) home., The new shopping center ………………………………………………… (already / open)., She ………………………………………………… (walk) in the forest when she met her friend., ………………………………………………… (you / see) the new Brad Pitt film yet?.



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