1) Wireless networks are getting more ... all the time. a) widespread b) best-selling c) old-fashioned 2) You can often use your ... to go online in a hotel, because they usually have free Wi-Fi. a) flash drive b) console c) laptop 3) Most new computers have a ... wireless connection. a) graphics b) download c) build-in 4) You can buy a tiny, ... computer that can do everything! a) widespread b) hand-held c) keyboard 5) A lot of older people get confused by modern, ... equipment. a) hi-tech b) artificial c) old-fashioned 6) Have you got an infa-red ... that doesn't need a mat? a) keyboard b) mouse c) screen 7) ... shopping is getting more and more popular. a) Input b) Upload c) Online 8) Now CD's or floppy disks seem so ...! a) old-fashioned b) hi-tech c) well-known

Activate! B1. Module 5. Technology+compound nouns


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