1) There are 90 restaurants closing this month due the recession a) not many b) Loads of c) roughly d) A large number of 2) 6 hospitals are facing closure in our city a) Hundreds of b) loads of c) A number of 3) 510 libraries are threatened with closure across country a) dozens of b) Hundreds of c) up to a hundred 4) The number of cars being sold is down by 19.8% a) nearly 20% b) 20% c) Just over 20% 5) We have to make $3.5 million if we want to survive this crisis a) upwards of $3 b) Over $3.5 c) nearly $3 6) The cost of the supplies has increased 82.5% a) just under 80% b) Upwards of 80% c) Just over 80% 7) The council needs to make $1.2 million usd of cuts in public spending a) About / approximately / just over $1m b) Just under / nearly $1 c) An incredible number of 8) More than 300,000 people have signed the petition to save the rivers a) Hundreds of b) An incredible number of c) Upwards of 299.000 d) A vast number of 9) The city grew a lot economically from 1997 to 2019 a) in the last years b) In the last twenty years or so / thereabouts c) Something like in 22 years

C1 Language of Approximation



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