racket - You use this to hit a ball in tennis, net - 3 letters - you need it to play tennis, badminton and volleyball, sneakers - You wear these on your feet, hoops - You need 2 of these for basketball, basket - A friend stands on a chair and holds this to catch a ball, goggles - You put this over your eyes when you swim, club - You need this to hit the ball in golf, pitch - You play football on this, court - You play basketball or tennis on this, skates - You need 2 of these to go on ice, cycling - You need a bicycle for this, boxing - You need gloves and you kick and hit the other person, Football - You have a team of 5 or 11 to play this, horse racing - You need an animal with 4 legs which can run fast, gymnastics - You have to be strong and be able to do bears, the bench and floor exercises,


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