1) Matter is something that has .... and volume. a) ml b) weight c) mass 2) What ball do you think has the most mass? a) Basketball b) Beach ball c) Bowling ball 3) Which of these are NOT matter? a) Light b) Heat c) Sound d) Microphone 4) What properties does a beach ball have? a) sink b) float c) conducts heat d) has magnetism 5) What are the most basic units of matter? a) cells b) elements c) atoms d) minerals 6) We measure liquid matter in what ways? Choose ALL the correct answers. a) g b) kg c) F d) C e) mL f) L 7) We measure solid matter in what ways? a) g b) kg c) F d) C e) mL f) L 8) What has the most mass? a) hot air balloon b) elephant c) blue whale d) tiger e) human 9) Objects with the same mass DO NOT ALWAYS have the same volume. True or False. a) True b) False 10) What do we use in the Science Lab to measure the mass of a small rock? a) Pan Balance Scale b) Beaker c) Microscope d) thermometer


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