1) A prophet who announced to Jeroboam that God would give him ten of the twelve tribes of Israel. a) Abijah b) Elisha c) Nathan d) Elijah 2) The wicked king of Israel. Led by his Phoenician wife Jezebel, he established the cult of Baal and persecuted the worshipers of the True God. a) Rehoboam b) Ahab c) Ashtoreth d) Jeroboam 3) Turning away from the true religion. a) Chasten b) Ashtoreth c) Apostasy d) Pagan 4) A pagan fertility goddess worshiped by Solomon in his later years. a) Ashtoreth b) Bethel c) Jezebel d) Queen of Sheba 5) A bloody and wicked empire that terrorized the whole Middle East and constantly threatened both Israel and Judah. Eventually they destroyed Israel and scattered its people. a) Assyria b) Gentile c) Israel d) Jebusites 6) To punish for the purpose of correcting. God promised that he would correct David’s successors when they needed it, but never abandon them. a) Chasten b) Pagan c) Chide d) Apostasy 7) The northern of the two centers of worship in the northern kingdom of Israel where Jeroboam set up golden calves for the people to worship. a) Dan b) Bethel c) Judah d) Jerusalem 8) The great prophet who challenged the pagan rulers of Israel. He was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. a) Elijah b) Elisha c) Nathan d) Abijah 9) Elijah’s devoted disciple, who continued his mentor’s mission in Israel. a) Elijah b) Elisha c) Nathan d) Abijah 10) Greek for “thank offering.” a) Eucharist b) Bethel c) Todah d) Thank Offering 11) A member of any of the nations outside Israel. a) Gentile b) Jebusite c) Pagan d) Israel 12) Originally the whole kingdom of the twelve tribes, but after Solomon’s time refers to the northern of the two kingdoms into which Solomon’s kingdom was divided. a) Israel b) Judah c) Jerusalem d) Bethel 13) The Canaanite inhabitants of Jerusalem, whom the Israelites had not conquered up to the time of David. a) Gentiles b) Pagans c) Jebusites d) Israelites 14) A minister of Solomon who led the revolt against Solomon's son. He became the first king of the new northern kingdom of Israel. a) Rehoboam b) Jeroboam c) Abijah d) Ahab 15) A Canaanite city conquered by David that became the capital and religious center of Israel. a) Jerusalem b) Bethel c) Judah d) Dan 16) The wicked queen of Israel who persecuted the prophets of the True God. She was a Phoenician, and she was fanatically devoted to the Phoenician god Baal. a) Jezebel b) Jeroboam c) Rehoboam d) Queen of Sheba 17) The name used for the southern of the two kingdoms into which Israel was divided after Solomon. It kept Jerusalem as its capital and remained loyal to David’s line. a) Judah b) Israel c) Jerusalem d) Assyria 18) One of the many pagan gods worshiped by Solomon in his later years. a) Milcom b) Ashtoreth c) Assyria d) Ahab 19) A prophet. One of David’s chief advisors. a) Nathan b) Elijah c) Elisha d) Abijah 20) One who follows a false religion, worshiping many gods instead of the True God. a) Pagan b) Jebusite c) Gentile d) Apostasy 21) Solomon’s son and heir. His pride caused all but two of the twelve tribes to rebel against him. a) Rehoboam b) Jeroboam c) Ahab d) Nathan 22) The queen of a wealthy country to the south. She came to Jerusalem to test Solomon’s wisdom, which led her to praise the God of Israel, demonstrating the kingdom’s role in leading the nations to the True God. a) Jezebel b) Queen of Sheba c) Ashtoreth d) Milcom 23) The son of David who inherited his kingdom and God’s covenant. He led Israel to its greatest glory, and was famous for his wisdom. a) Saul b) Jeroboam c) Rehoboam d) Solomon 24) The house of God in Jerusalem, which contained the Ark of the Covenant. When it was dedicated, God’s glory overshadowed it just as it had done in the Tabernacle. It became the center of worship for Israel. a) Temple b) Tabernacle c) Judah d) Zion 25) A sacrifice that, under David and his successors, it became the primary liturgy of the Temple. a) Thank Offering b) Chasten c) Apostasy d) Temple 26) The hill on which the oldest part of Jerusalem was built. A poetic name for the city of Jerusalem. a) Zion b) Todah c) Yahweh-Yireh d) Judah 27) The southern of the two centers of worship in the northern kingdom of Israel where Jeroboam set up golden calves for the people to worship. a) Bethel b) Dan c) Judah d) Israel 28) Hebrew for "thank offering" a) Todah b) Eucharist c) Temple d) Messiah


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