1) bread a) countable b) uncountable 2) apples a) countable b) uncountable 3) There's ______ juice in Anna's glass. a) some b) any 4) _________ students are there in your class? a) How much b) How many 5) In our family we eat ______ of apples. a) a little b) a lot of 6) umbrella a) countable b) uncountable 7) Let's have _____ ice cream for desert! a) any b) some 8) I haven't got _____ chocolate. a) some b) any 9) _______ books do you read on holiday? a) How many b) How much 10) tree a) countable b) uncountable 11) We've got ________ milk. a) a few b) a little 12) Does the soup need ____ salt? a) some b) any 13) milk a) countable b) uncountable 14) chair a) countable b) uncountable 15) _______ chocolate do you eat every week? a) How many b) How much 16) I've got ______ sugar. a) a little b) a few 17) I haven't got ____ brothers or sisters. a) some b) any 18) meat a) countable b) uncountable 19) salt a) countable b) uncountable 20) ______ orange juice is there in the fridge? a) How much b) How many 21) There are _____ people at the concert. a) a lot of b) alittle 22) My mum has got ____ new shoes. a) some b) any 23) cheese a) countable b) uncountable

Spin 1 Unit 6 Grammar. (❁´◡`❁)



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