1 I love white-water kayaking. It’s such an ____ sport! Kayaking through a ____ valley in the middle of beautiful ____ is fantastic. ____ it’s not something I do very often because I live in a city, and there are no rivers or ____ ____ I can only do it at weekends, ____ 2 I thought rock climbing was great ____ I started doing it. It took ____ to get good at it, though. I was OK ____ going up normal ____, but if there was a difficult bit of rock that you had to climb around, then Ifound that so hard because my arms weren’t strong ____. I like the ____, though, and these days Ifind I can do even the most difficult climbs. 3 I did a ____ twenty years ago when I was travelling in New Zealand. Most people are really ____ when they’re standing waiting to jump. ____ I was very excited then and I wasn’t ____ when I was ____ the air either. It was a little bit ____ when my head nearly hit the water, though. I won’t forget that bit! And I think it’s something you should only do once in your life. You need to do it when you’re young and ____ 4 I started ____ years ago after doing a few weeks of training. I do it as much as I can now. People think that it’s a dangerous sport, but if you know what you’re doing, it’s ____ safer than driving a car! I’ve been lucky, ____, and I think that’s because I understand the weather and I’m so ____ And actually, if something did ____ me, maybe it would stop me flying for a while, but I would do anything to get in the air again ____ I love it too much! 5 ____ through the forest at the back of my house is the best way to relax. If I have a hard day at work, I just get on my bike. ____ what the weather’s like. The rain makes it really difficult and you get ____, but that’s all part of the fun. I tell all my friends that there’s nothing better than the feeling of ____ then up the other side. Sometimes I fall off and ____, but I don’t care. It’s ____ And when I go back in the house, work is just a memory!

Test 2B Audio Solutions Pre-Intermediate


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