1) Are you a ..................... student than your sister? a) gooder b) good c) better 2) I am .............. than you. a) the strong b) Stronger c) strong 3) My sister is ......................... than me. a) the tall b) taller c) tallest 4) Crocodiles are ................................... than dolphins. a) more dangerous b) the dangerous c) dangerouser 5) Cars are ....................... than motorbikes. a) safe b) safest c) safer 6) My house is ..................... than your house. a) bigger b) the big c) biger 7) My dad is ...................... than yours. a) the funny b) funnier c) funny 8) Tom is ....................... than his brother. a) the helpful b) helpfulest c) more helpful 9) You are good at lessons.You are ....................... than me. a) the more hardworking b) hardworking c) more hardworking 10) Turtles are ......................... than rabbits. a) slower b) the slow c) slowest 11) Watching TV is ........................ than reading a book. a) bad b) the bad c) worse 12) Summers are .......................... than springs. a) hot b) hotter c) hoter 13) Keloğlan is .................... than his friends. a) smarter b) the smart c) more smart 14) Your grandmother is ................ than you. a) the old b) older c) more old

Comparative quiz


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