1) We ... speak English well because our grandfather is a British. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 2) Laura ... get in contact with her brother because he changed his number. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 3) I have got piano course for 3 years, so I ... play it well now. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 4) Mr. Young ... attend the meeting becuse he is sick. a) can b) can not c) must d) must not 5) The building is close. We ... come inside. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 6) Father ... buy me a new smartphone in my next birthday. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 7) I ... get up early and go to swim because I have appointment with my friend. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 8) The boy ... stop crying before his mother buys him the toy he wants. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not 9) The students ... understand the material before the teacher explain it. a) should b) should not c) will d) will not 10) I’m tired. I think I ... go to bed early. a) can b) can not c) will d) will not

Can and Will


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