1) Which drink gives the least energy? a) Americano b) Cafe late with skimmed milk c) White chocolate mocha with whole milk d) Brewed coffee 2) What is the main difference between a café latte made with skimmed milk and a café latte made with whole milk? a) Less saturated fat b) Less g c) Less salt d) Less energy 3) Which is the most unhealthy drink? a) Cappucino with skimmed milk b) White chocolate mocha c) Brewed coffee d) Cafe latte with whole milk 4) Which of these is NOT a reason why? a) It contains the most energy b) It has the highest salt content c) It contains a lot of protein and a lot of sugar d) It has the most fat 5) Which of these is produced by white blood cells in response to vaccination? a) Antibiotics b) Antigens c) Pathogens d) Antibodies 6) Why do doctors give vaccinations to children? a) To make them resistant to bacterial infection b) To make them immune against pathogens c) To cure them of viruses d) To make them resistant against pathogens 7) Which of these is the BEST description of how the percentage of children vaccinated with the MMR vaccine changed between 1990 and 1995? a) It fell to zero b) It went up and then down c) It fluctuated d) It decreased 8) Which of these is NOT a possible conclusion about the link between autism and the MMR vaccine based on this graph? a) There IS a link: there is a 6-year time lag between vaccination and developing autism b) There IS a link: MMR vaccinations cause autism c) There ISN'T a link: autism rose even after vaccination stopped in 1995 d) There ISN'T a link: autism levels stayed high even after vaccination rates fell 9) (NRT = nicotine replacement therapy) What is a placebo? a) A pill b) A control c) A less harmful drug d) Something that does not contain the drug 10) Which of these is NOT a reason why a placebo was used in this study? a) To make it a fair test b) To compare with NRT c) To make it a blind test d) As a control 11) In which trial was the data most reliable? a) Gum b) Patch c) Inhaler d) Tablet 12) Which type of NRT was most effective? a) The gum because the highest number of participants were involved b) The tablet because it had the most similar numbers of participants in each category c) The patch because it had the highest number of smokers on the treatment d) The nasal spray because it had the biggest difference between treatment and placebo 13) In a reflex arc what do we call the structure that detects a stimulus? a) A sensory neurone b) An effector c) A receptor d) Light or pain 14) Name the structure that carries impulses to the Central Nervous System a) Relay neurone b) Sensory neurone c) Motor neurone d) Synapse 15) Name the structure that carries impulses away from the Central Nervous System. a) Relay neurone b) Sensory neurone c) Motor neurone d) Synapse 16) Name the structure that brings about a response. a) An effector b) A receptor c) A relay neurone d) The spinal cord 17) Which of these does NOT happen at a synapse? a) Information passes across a gap b) An electrical signal passes from one neurone to another c) Diffusion occurs across a gap d) Neurotransmitters are released 18) Some people have a condition where information from the skin does not reach the brain. Why is this dangerous for the person? a) They might get into danger b) They won't be able to respond c) They won't receive information from the skin d) They wouldn't be aware of pain 19) Which of these is NOT a way in which agricultural activities can lead to global warming? a) Land clearance for farming involves deforestation, so less CO2 is taken up b) Farm machinery and tractors produce carbon dioxide c) Farm animals produce carbon dioxide by respiration d) Methane is produced by cattle and rice 20) Which of these is NOT an important feature of natural selection? a) Individuals with characteristics most suited to environment survive b) Successful individuals are more likely to pass genes to next generation c) Variation exists between individuals d) Over time species develop, becoming more advanced 21) Icadyptes is an extinct giant penguin. Which statement best explains why scientists were surposed to discover Icadyptes lived in warm seas? a) It would need a large volume of fish to support its body mass b) Large size is often an adaptation to cold environments to reduce heat loss c) It would need a low surface area to volume ratio to survive in warm seas d) Most penguins today live in cold seas 22) Which of these is NOT a part of adult cell cloning? a) A fertilised egg is removed from a female animal b) The embryo is inserted into the womb of a host animal c) The nucleus is removed from an egg cell d) An electric shock is used to fuse the nucleus with the empty egg 23) Which of these is NOT a feature of genetic engineering? a) The desired gene is inserted into a vector (e.g. bacterial plasmid) b) The resulting organism is known as "transgenic" c) An enzyme is used to remove the desired gene from a chromosome d) Bacteria can make many copies of the gene quickly through sexual reproduction

Jan 11 Mock Paper Quiz

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