correspondence of number, case, gender, and person between words - agreement, initial letter or sound repeating in words - alliteration, defined word or expression - definiendum, slash or oblique stroke (/) used between words or in fractions - diagonal, oblique, separatrix, shilling, slant, solidus, virgule, code for words, Alpha through Zulu, in communication - alphabet code, linking word - and, refined affected word or phrase - genteelism, system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of language - grammar, alphabet of symbolic characters representing entire words or ideas - ideography, cartoon oval for printed words of character - balloon, dictionary entry word - headword, omission of understood word(s) - ellipsis, group of words containing a subject and predicate and forming a sentence - clause, origin of word, incorrect - folk etymology, picture or symbol representing word, meaning, or sound - hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, pictograph, speech form with its own meaning, undiscernible through individual word meanings - idiom, lines beginning with same word/phrase - anaphora, nonmetrical hymn, song, or chant using words taken from the bible - canticle,

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