1) The triangle with two equal sides is called ... a) scalene b) isosceles c) regular 2) A polygon with ten sides is called a ... a) octagon b) pentagon c) decagon d) hexagon 3) Lines that cut the plane into four equal parts are called ... lines. a) perpendicular b) parallel c) bisector d) mid 4) A trapezium always has equal sides. a) True b) False 5) A tangent has ... common point with the circle. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 6) The sum of an angle and its supplementary angle is ... degrees. a) 90 b) 180 c) 270 d) 360 7) A 90 degree angle is called a(n) ... angle. a) acute b) right c) obtuse d) straight 8) A 210 degree angle is called a(n) ... angle. a) acute b) obtuse c) reflex d) straight 9) What type of angle is it? a) acute b) obtuse c) reflex d) straight 10) A diagonal joins two ... vertices. a) consecutive b) adjacent c) non-adjacent d) non-consecutive 11) The base of this classroom is a ... . a) cube b) square c) pentagon d) rectangle 12) A quadrilateral has ... sides. a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 13) The tool for drawing a circle is called ... . a) a ruler b) a protractor c) a pair of compasses d) a circler 14) α and β are ... angles. a) vertical b) alternate c) opposite d) one-position 15) a and b are ... angles. a) vertical b) one-position c) alternate d) similar 16) What is this shape? a) a circle b) a semi-circle c) a square d) a pentagon 17) What is this shape? a) a rectangle b) a quadrilateral c) a pentagon d) a hexagon e) a decagon 18) And this? a) a rectangle b) a pentagon c) a hexagon d) an octagon e) a decagon 19) And this one? a) a quadrilateral b) a pentagon c) a hexagon d) an octagon e) a decagon 20) What is the measure in degrees of the angle at vertex B? a) 54 b) 72 c) 108 d) 180 21) What is the measure of y? a) 81 b) 90 c) 99 d) 109 22) The centroid is the intersection of the ... of the triangle. a) heights b) altitudes c) medians d) midlines 23) What is this? a) a cone b) a sphere c) a prism d) a pyramid e) a cube 24) What is this? a) a sphere b) a cone c) a pyramid d) a prism e) a cylinder 25) The very last one? a) a cylinder b) a prism c) a sphere d) a cone e) a cube

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