1 How often / you / watch Youtube?, 2 What Youtube shows / you / watch / now?, 3 What / you / do in your free time?, 4 Who / you / live with?, 5 Where / you / live / at the moment?, 6 What sports / you / like to play?, 7 you / play / any sports this week?, 8 How often / you / study English?, 9 you / study / anything else at the moment?, 10 you / usually feel worried?, 11 How / you / feel / today?, 12 What / you / usually wear to a party?, 13 What / you / wear / now?, 14 What / you / usually do with your friends?, 15 you / meet / any friends today?, 16 Where / you / like to go at the weekend?, 17 Where / you / go / this weekend?, 18 What / you / spend most of your money on?, 19 you / save / money at the moment?, 20 What / you / do / after class?.

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