1) The Jews believe in only 1 god, meaning they are _____. a) monotheists b) polytheists c) Egyptians d) atheists 2) The Hebrews’ religion was called _____. a) Christianity b) Judaism c) Islam d) Diaspora 3) To escape slavery, Moses led the Hebrews out of _____. a) Canaan b) Mesopotamia c) Egypt d) Israel 4) The most sacred text in Judaism is the _____. a) Torah b) Talmud c) Hebrew Bible d) Dead Sea Scrolls 5) People who receive messages from God are called _____. a) slaves b) Reform Jews c) angels d) prophets 6) Where was the Promised Land that the Torah says God promised to the Israelites as a permanent home a) Ur b) Canaan c) Mesopotamia d) Egypt 7) Which of the following prompted the pharaoh to free the Hebrews? a) The Hebrews received the Ten Commandments from God. b) The Hebrews population grew rapidly in Egypt. c) Moses demanded freedom for the Hebrews. d) A series of plagues (hardships) struck Egypt. 8) Who built the first Jewish temple? a) Saul b) David c) Solomon d) Moses 9) Who was the first king of Israel? a) Saul b) David c) Solomon d) Moses 10) Who created a strong government for Israel? a) Saul b) David c) Solomon d) Moses 11) What are the Ten Commandments? a) a set of rules and punishments for life b) a set of rules given by God to the Israelites c) a list of plagues that struck Egypt d) a list of people who God felt were worthy of his love 12) The period in which the Jews struggled to keep their identity and were held captive by Nebuchadnezzar II was the _____. a) Exodus b) Promised Land c) Babylonian Captivity d) Diaspora 13) Why did the Israelites become slaves? a) they broke the Ten Commandments b) they broke Hammurabi’s Code c) there was a drought, and the Israelites weren’t doing anything about it d) the Egyptian Pharaoh felt threatened by the Israelites’ growing numbers 14) Why did the Israelites go to Egypt? a) they liked to travel b) there was a drought and they went to find food c) they thought their religion (beliefs) would be accepted in Egypt d) they wanted to work for the Pharaoh 15) Where did the Israelites receive the Ten Commandments? a) Mt. Sinai b) Egypt c) Canaan d) in the parted Red Sea 16) Why did the Jews move to Babylon? a) they wanted to work for Nebuchadnezzar b) the Ten Commandments told them to do so c) they were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar d) there was a drought and they went to find food 17) Which Jewish leader captured Jerusalem and made it capital of the Kingdom of Israel? a) Saul b) David c) Abraham d) Moses 18) Both the Ten Commandments and Hammurabi’s Code contain rules of _____. a) criminal law b) a dress code c) conduct d) what you should believe 19) What leader was responsible for the Babylonian Captivity? a) Moses b) Egyptian Pharaoh c) Nebuchadnezzar d) Solomon 20) Which common feature of most ancient religions did the Jews reject (not follow)? a) ritual b) polytheism c) monotheism d) morality 21) On what continent is Israel? a) Africa b) Asia c) Europe d) Eurasia

Ancient Israel


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