1) What is a human made markings that are placed on natural stones? a) Pictographs b) Petroglyphs c) Rock Art 2) What are paintings of drawings that have been placed onto the rock face? a) Pictographs b) Petroglyphs c) Rock Art 3) These are engravings or carvings into the rock panel? a) Pictographs b) Petroglyphs c) Rock Art 4) Josef Szombathy, an Austro-Hungarian archaeologist, discovered this work in 1908 outside the small Austrian village of Willendorf a) Venus of Willendorf b) Palette of King Narmer c) Mastaba 5) What was the statuette or "Ram caught in a thicket"? a) The 0Thicker as it was found in the field b) The Ram that was caught in the field c) The thicket in the field as it was found in the field 6) What is the symbol of power and may have commemorated the unification of upper and lower egypt? a) The great sphinx b) Venus of Willendorf c) Palette of King Narmer 7) Carved from the living sandstone a) The great sphinx b) Venus of Willendorf c) Mastaba 8) What is the Rectangular superstructure of ancient Egyptian tombs, built of mud brick, or later stone with sloping walls and a flat roof? a) Th great sphinx b) The Seated Scribe c) Mastaba 9) The walls of the tomb were adorned with paintings reliefs in detail the deceased’s life as well as the funeral banquets a) Nefertiabet (Khufu’s Daughter) b) Nefertiebet (Khafre's daughter) c) Nefertiti 10) A Brilliant 5th dynasty portrait in painted limestone; doubtlessly, he portrays a bureaucrat, alert and ready to write on his papyrus scroll. a) Tomb of Amenherkhepshef (New Kingdom) b) The Seated Scribe c) Nefertiti 11) The famous 3,300 year-old painted limestone bust of Nefertiti shows the queen at the height of her beauty, wearing the crown of upper and lower Egypt. a) Tomb of Amenherkhepshef (New Kingdom) b) The Seated Scribe c) Nefertiti (Neferneferuated_Nefertiti) 12) Painted sunken relief of the king being embraced by a goddess. a) Tomb of Amenherkhepshef (New Kingdom) b) The Seated Scribe c) Nefertiti (Neferneferuated_Nefertiti) 13) Most frequently used by art historians. Less rigidly stylized and more naturalistic. a) Archaic Simile b) Archaic Smile c) Archac Smile 14) Named after the village in Attica where he was found and dating to about 530 B.C.E. a) Kouri b) Kroisos Kouros c) Kore Korous 15) Refers to the types of robe or shawl-like fabric draped over the figure, and kore means a girl or young female.Was found in the Athenian Acropolis. a) Kroisos Kouros b) Peplos Kore c) Cnidus Aphrodite 16) Marble, Roman copy after a Greek original of the 4th century. Marble; original elements: torso and thighs’; restored elements: head, arms, legs and support (drapery and jug). a) Kroisos Kouros b) Peplos Kore c) Cnidus Aphrodite 17) Italian for “opposite” or “counter”. in art, it refers to the natural standing position of the human body, with weight leaning on one leg and a shift in the body to counter this. a) Contrapposto b) Cnidus Aphrodite c) Athena 18) the introduction of democracy and the end of the aristocratic culture associated with the kouroi. a) Greek Period b) Archaic Period c) Classical Period 19) Temple that dominates the hill of the Acropolis at Athens a) Parthenos (Acropolis) b) Parthenon (Acropolis) c) Parthenon the Temple 20) What is referred to as the Medieval Era? a) Renaissance b) Middle Age c) Stone Age 21) Court music is played and sung by? a) Minstrels b) Singers c) gregor mendel 22) An Italian who devised the musical staff or stave a) Hildegard of Bingen b) Guido de Arezza c) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina 23) Built on a roughly triangular frame. a) Harp b) Psaltery, Cittole, and Cittern c) Bagpipe 24) A flat box with strings made of either sheep's intestine, horse hair and metal such as brass, silver or gold.Built on a roughly triangular frame. a) Harp b) Psaltery, Cittole, and Cittern c) Bagpipe 25) Consisted of an animal-skin bag and a series of wood pipes. a) Bagpipe b) Trumper c) Harp 26) A straight piece of cylindrical metal tubing running from a mouthpiece to the wide ending known as "bell". a) Portative Organ b) Positive Organ c) Trumper 27) A small and can be carried with a strap while the player is walking. a) Positive Organ b) Trumper c) Portative Organ 28) A bigger and its pipes have the same diameter but varying length. a) Trumper b) Positive Organ c) Portative Organ 29) What is the official music of the Roman Catholic Church? a) Gregorian chant b) Secular songs c) Notre Dame Mass 30) The __ were composed by French nobles called Troubadours and trouveres. a) Gregorian chant b) Secular songs c) Notre Dame Mass 31) What is one of the finest compositions known from the middle ages. a) Gregorian chant b) Secular songs c) Notre Dame Mass 32) What does Motet mean? a) Ward b) Word c) Worders 33) One of the leading French composers of Ars Nova. a) Machaut b) Adam de la Halle c) Hildegard of Bingen 34) Who composed “O Successores”? a) Machaut b) Adam de la Halle c) Hildegard of Bingen 35) A french born trouvere that composed “Le Jeu de Robin et Marion” a) Adam de la Halle b) Hildegard of Bingen c) Machaut 36) What is a polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than the ordinary mass. a) Mass b) Motet c) Aria 37) What is a polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. a) Mass b) Motet c) Aria 38) The master of Renaissance music and the composer of “Et Incarnatus Est, Ave Maria, & Nymphes Des Bois. a) Josquin Des Prez b) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c) Thomas Weelkes 39) The greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music. Composed “O Magnum Mysterium, O Memoriale, & SIcut Cervus”. a) Josquin Des Prez b) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c) Thomas Weelkes 40) An English madrigal composer and organist. Composed “Hosanna to the SOn of David, O Care, Wilt Despatch Me, & The Nightingale”. a) Josquin Des Prez b) Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina c) Thomas Weelkes 41) What does the word “barocco” mean? a) Pearl of Regular Shape b) Pearl of Irregular Shape c) Pearl of regular shapes 42) A free form for solo voice with accompaniment in which the vocal melody approximates the natural rhythm and pitch infection of the text. a) Recitative b) Aria c) Chorale 43) A single vocal form that is sung in unison or in four-part block chord style. a) Recitative b) Aria c) Chorale 44) A drama sung with instrumental accompaniment and presented with appropriate scenery, costumes and staging. a) Mass b) Aria c) Opera 45) A composite vocal form in several movements for solo voice and instrumental accompaniment or for solo voices, chorus and instrumental. a) Cantata b) Chorale c) Opera 46) A composite vocal works for soloist, chorus and orchestra based on a sacred or secular text. a) Oratorio b) Orchestral Overture c) Sectional Dance Form 47) an instrumental composition which serves as an introductory movement for an opera, oratorio, or cantata as the first movement of a composite instrumental piece. a) Oratorio b) Orchestral Overture c) Sectional Dance Form 48) A single instrumental form that dances written in rebounded binary form. a) Oratorio b) Orchestral Overture c) Sectional Dance Form 49) A composition based on polyphonic imitative treatment of a short theme known as the subject. a) Aria b) Suite c) Fugue 50) is an important Baroque instrumental form for solo harpsichord, clavichord to orchestral instruments. a) Aria b) Suite c) Fugue 51) written for solo instruments. a) Sonata da Chiesa b) Suite c) Sonata da Camera 52) is a composite instrumental work based on dance forms. a) Sonata da Chiesa b) Suite c) Sonata da Camera 53) include the harpsichord, clavichord and the organ. a) Keyboard Instruments b) Wind Instruments c) String Instruments 54) including oboe and bassoon. a) Keyboard Instruments b) Wind Instruments c) String Instruments 55) The greatest Italian violin maker called the “STRADIVARIUS”. a) Johann Sebastian Bach b) Claudio Montiverdi c) George Frederic Handel 56) Recognized as the church organist, harpsichordist, improviser, court organist, and master of the fugue. a) Johann Sebastian Bach b) Claudio Montiverdi c) Antonio Vivaldi 57) A master of Italian Oratorio. He became a violinist and harpsichordist in the orchestra of the Hamburg opera house. a) Antonio Vivaldi b) Claudio Montiverdi c) George Frederic Handel 58) Nicknamed “II PreteRoso” (The Red Priest) because of his red hair was a catholic priest, virtuous violinist and Italian composer. a) Antonio Vivaldi b) Claudio Montiverdi c) George Frederic Handel 59) a large room, or outside structures with rows of seats that uses live performers, usually actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage. a) Theater b) Opera c) Play 60) a form of theater in which the action, story, and characterization all take place through music. a) Theater b) Opera c) Play 61) The word theater, meaning __, originated back to the Greeks in the 5th century BCE, with the Athenian city-state being recognized as the birthplace of theater. a) A place of birth b) A place of seeing c) A place of sights 62) A person who writes the script, dialogue, and the plot of the story. They also make characters for the story. a) Playwright b) Director c) Designers 63) Who is responsible for the production, and guides the creative and artistic aspects of the performance. a) Playwright b) Director c) Designers 64) 3 Types of Designers a) Lighting, Clothing, Sound Designer b) Lightning, Clothing, Stage Designer c) Props, Lighting, Clhoting Designer 65) Who is in charge of lighting, atmosphere, and to illuminate the actors. a) Lighting Designer b) Clothing Designer c) Sound Designer 66) Who creates clothes, footwear, and accessories that are worn by the actors. a) Lighting Designer b) Clothing Designer c) Sound Designer 67) Edit, collect, and create special effects for the production. a) Lighting Designer b) Clothing Designer c) Sound Designer 68) A genre that addresses weighty subjects. Tragic plays typically follow a hero or heroine who experiences hardships that aren't resolved happily a) Tragedy b) Comedy c) Satyr 69) type of drama whose goal is to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. Comedies are usually about miscommunications that result in humorous circumstances. a) Tragedy b) Comedy c) Satyr 70) an ancient Greek play of tragicomedy that presents itself as a tragedy while incorporating a happy, almost funny atmosphere. a) Tragedy b) Comedy c) Satyr 71) The Gesture in Western Classical _ involves the use of hand movement, facial expressions, and body language, to convey emotions, intentions, and meaning. a) Theater b) Opera 72) The Movement in Western Classical _ encompasses a wide range of physical actions performed by actors on stage. a) Theater b) Opera 73) The Movement in Western Classical _ encompasses the physical actions and choreography performed by singers, actors, and dancers on stage. a) Theater b) Opera 74) Gesture in Western Classical _ refers to the use of hand movements, facial expressions, and body language by singers and performers to convey emotions, intentions, and dramatic moments. a) Theater b) Opera 75) Actors and actresses wear colorful and bright costumes and masks. a) Theater b) Opera 76) _ costumes can range from extravagant gowns to more contemporary and minimalistic designs. a) Theater b) Opera 77) They are designed to reflect the character's personality, social status, and the historical setting of the opera. and the color of their costumes is carefully chosen to convey the emotions of the characters. a) Theater b) Opera



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