____ the world and throughout history, camping has played many important roles. For some, camping is a way of life and for others, it is a fun ____. Some of the world’s first ____ are still camping to this day. Nomadic campers are groups of people who move from place to place for ____, religious or social reasons. As such, they do not have permanent ____. ____ history, camps have been used by militaries as a ____ place, medical ____ and war rooms. As many wars were fought across large areas of land, armies would move from place to place, setting up and putting down ____ along the way. Since it is easier to ____ a tent than it is to ____ a wood or brick house, camps have been used as ____ homes throughout history. These were used by people as they built up towns or by groups who were only staying in one place for a short time, like explorers, miners and ____. During the Australian gold ____, huge groups of tents ____ up as miners from across the world came to seek their fortune. These were known as ____ towns. It wasn’t ____ much later in history that camping became a fun activity for weekends and holidays. Children in the ____ were taught all about camping which further popularised the ____ in countries like the USA, the UK and Australia. For many years, camping tents were made ____ heavy materials like canvas. These were difficult to ____ around. Around the 1960’s, these tents were created from ____ and polyester, making them much easier to carry and use. As technology improved, camping became easier and more comfortable. Now, camping can be done in high quality tents that are ____ and insulated. Some people choose to camp in ____, which provide ____ such as toilets, electricity and running water.

History of Camping


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