Meredith - extra hot soy flat white, Thomas - strong latte with three sugars, Jill - mocha with soy milk, Horatio - chai latte with extra chai powder, Hiromi - almond cappuccino with 1/2 a sugar, Dayana - dirty chai latte extra hot, Soyeon - strong LB with 5 sugars, Daniela - almond latte, Isabella - soy hot chocolate, Mehdi - macchiato, Hina - almond flat white, Laura - soy latte with one sugar, Marcelo - hot chocolate with almond milk, Juan - soy milk cappuccino with 3 sugars, Heejin - almond mocha, Maki - extra hot flat white, Chen-Cheng - extra hot mocha with extra chocolate, Yuto - soy flat white, Mimi - almond latte, Umut - soy mocha with one sugar, Charita - long black with a dash of milk, Peerada - strong cappuccino with 2 sugars.

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