1) a soft continuous sound, for example, a wheel turning very quickly a) silence b) whir c) clacking 2) a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past a) nostalgia b) experience c) conditioning 3) a short loud sound made by two objects hitting each other a) clacking b) whir c) hum 4) completely a) non-stop b) profoundly c) wildly 5) a low continuous solnd made by a machine when it's working a) cacophony b) clacking c) hum 6) extremely large in area, size, amount, etc. a) background b) modern c) vast 7) mixture of loud and unpleasant sounds a) cacophony b) hum c) whir 8) cried, because of a feeling of sadness a) wept b) moved c) composed 

Read the article and choose the correct word from the text for each definition.


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