
4. клас


3,582個符合‘4 клас’的搜索結果

Български език 1 клас
Български език 1 клас 測驗
Was / were
Was / were 完成句子
Was/were (4th grade)
Was/were (4th grade) 測驗
What are they doing?
What are they doing? 完成句子
What are they doing? (2) Listening
What are they doing? (2) Listening 匹配遊戲
Геометрични фигури
Геометрични фигури 查找匹配項
Антоними - 4.клас
Антоними - 4.клас 查找匹配項
Подлог 測驗
Spelling of the past tense forms (regular verbs)
Spelling of the past tense forms (regular verbs) 打地鼠
Past Simple - regular verbs
Past Simple - regular verbs 打地鼠
Countries and nationalities 4th grade
Countries and nationalities 4th grade 隨機輪盤
What are they doing?
What are they doing? 標籤圖表
Must/mustn't (4th grade)
Must/mustn't (4th grade) 測驗
 Фотосинтеза ИГРА
Фотосинтеза ИГРА 標籤圖表
Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner 完成句子
Синоними 4. клас
Синоними 4. клас 匹配遊戲
 Геометрични фигури
Геометрични фигури 刺破氣球
Тела и вещества
Тела и вещества 測驗
Число на глагола
Число на глагола 刺破氣球
части на растенията
части на растенията 標籤圖表
4. кръг_Известни личности
4. кръг_Известни личности 快閃記憶體卡
Подлог и сказумо
Подлог и сказумо 測驗
Планините в България
Планините в България 測驗
Пролет- 1 кл.
Пролет- 1 кл. 填字遊戲
Четене на срички
Четене на срички 隨機卡
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число
Деление на числата до 1000 с едноцифрено число 開箱遊戲
What are they doing?
What are they doing? 標籤圖表
Always/sometimes/never 句子排列
Her clothes and his clothes
Her clothes and his clothes 標籤圖表
On holiday last year... (10b)
On holiday last year... (10b) 匹配遊戲
Some or any (2)
Some or any (2) 測驗
Look at me (4th grade)
Look at me (4th grade) 測驗
Who, what, where ...?
Who, what, where ...? 完成句子
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade)
PastSimple - irregular verbs (4thgrade) 填字遊戲
Hit the numbers
Hit the numbers 打地鼠
Is or Are? 4th grade
Is or Are? 4th grade 測驗
Questions&answers-ex.1.3 - 4th grde
Questions&answers-ex.1.3 - 4th grde 查找匹配項
Some or any (1)
Some or any (1) 測驗
Defining relative clauses (1) - 7th grade
Defining relative clauses (1) - 7th grade 測驗
His face, her face- 2nd grade
His face, her face- 2nd grade 標籤圖表
House (2nd grade)
House (2nd grade) 標籤圖表
Months and seasons 2nd grade
Months and seasons 2nd grade 按組排序
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