
English File pre int


10,000+個符合‘english file pre int’的搜索結果

Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you) 隨機卡
Present Simple / Present Continuous EF Pre-intermediate
Present Simple / Present Continuous EF Pre-intermediate 隨機輪盤
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B)
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B) 匹配遊戲
Phrasal Verbs NEF Pre Int 8C
Phrasal Verbs NEF Pre Int 8C 完成句子
Jobs and workplaces (English File Beginner)
Jobs and workplaces (English File Beginner) 隨機卡
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B)
Adjectives of personality 1 (NEF Pre Int 1B) 完成句子
English alphabet
English alphabet 匹配遊戲
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B a
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B a 句子排列
Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre Int 3.2
Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre Int 3.2 完成句子
Past simple holiday questions (from NEF Pre Int 2a)
Past simple holiday questions (from NEF Pre Int 2a) 句子排列
What's the matter? Illness: Alma's class 22/06/21 Quiz
What's the matter? Illness: Alma's class 22/06/21 Quiz 測驗
What's the matter? Illness: Alma's class 22/06/21
What's the matter? Illness: Alma's class 22/06/21 快閃記憶體卡
Articles B1  Eng File Int 3rd 3A
Articles B1 Eng File Int 3rd 3A 完成句子
Devices 匹配遊戲
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL) 翻轉卡片
Solutions pre-intermediate 6F
Solutions pre-intermediate 6F 匹配遊戲
Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2
Stuck in a lift! Past simple or continuous? Nav Pre-Int 3.2 完成句子
Adjective opposites (NEF Pre Int 1B)
Adjective opposites (NEF Pre Int 1B) 完成句子
English Clothes
English Clothes 標籤圖表
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't)
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't) 隨機輪盤
Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English 標籤圖表
Irregular Verbs Part 1 Pre-intermediate
Irregular Verbs Part 1 Pre-intermediate 查找匹配項
Daily Routines Quiz
Daily Routines Quiz 測驗
Clothes 標籤圖表
Clothes 測驗
English quiz
English quiz 測驗
由 匿名
Daily routines open the box no words
Daily routines open the box no words 開箱遊戲
Health problems quiz
Health problems quiz 測驗
2. Fact or Opinion?
2. Fact or Opinion? 測驗
10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure
10-step Formal Letter Layout/ Structure 匹配遊戲
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B b
Past simple / continuous NEF Pre Int 2B b 句子排列
ESOL Pre-Entry Christmas Wordsearch
ESOL Pre-Entry Christmas Wordsearch 搜字遊戲
Relative Clauses Unjumble
Relative Clauses Unjumble 句子排列
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I
Controversial Discussion Topics - Part I 隨機輪盤
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Perfect Continuous Quiz 測驗
Indefinite pronouns Quiz
Indefinite pronouns Quiz 測驗
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will)
Speaking about Future (Going to or Will) 隨機輪盤
Relative Clauses
Relative Clauses 測驗
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz
Past Simple & Past Continuous - Quiz 測驗
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice
Present Simple & Continuous Speaking Practice 隨機輪盤
Have got/has got
Have got/has got 測驗
Relative Clauses Speaking
Relative Clauses Speaking 隨機卡
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a
Phrasal verbs NEF Int 7C a 完成句子
Parts of the body
Parts of the body 拼字遊戲
Daily routine
Daily routine 按組排序
sh and ch sounds
sh and ch sounds 按組排序
Rooms in a house
Rooms in a house 標籤圖表
 Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs 測驗
Solutions Pre-Int quantifiers
Solutions Pre-Int quantifiers 隨機輪盤
Eng File Pre (3rd Ed) Revise and Check 5&6 PART ONE
Eng File Pre (3rd Ed) Revise and Check 5&6 PART ONE 開箱遊戲
School Subjects Hangman
School Subjects Hangman 猜字遊戲
1. FACT or OPINION? 按組排序
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