



Film vocabulary
Film vocabulary 查找匹配項
Guess The Genre
Guess The Genre 查找匹配項
Top 20 watched films of all time
Top 20 watched films of all time 隨機卡
Romeo and Juliet - The Plot
Romeo and Juliet - The Plot 排名順序
Romeo And Juliet Quiz
Romeo And Juliet Quiz 測驗
Know your shots
Know your shots 匹配遊戲
Film e TV
Film e TV 匹配遊戲
Christmas Fuddle Film Quiz
Christmas Fuddle Film Quiz 測驗
Romeo and Juliet Match- Up
Romeo and Juliet Match- Up 匹配遊戲
Vocabulary for writing reviews of films or books
Vocabulary for writing reviews of films or books 拼字遊戲
Film and TV
Film and TV 匹配遊戲
Film und Fernsehen
Film und Fernsehen 匹配遊戲
 Film und Fernsehen
Film und Fernsehen 匹配遊戲
conventions of script writing
conventions of script writing 按組排序
Romeo And Juliet- Wordsearch
Romeo And Juliet- Wordsearch 搜字遊戲
Part 1 The Tempest: before the play starts
Part 1 The Tempest: before the play starts 完成句子
Film Descriptions
Film Descriptions 翻轉卡片
Y8 Film Quiz
Y8 Film Quiz 測驗
Famous characters - protagonist vs. antagonist
Famous characters - protagonist vs. antagonist 按組排序
Part 2 The Tempest before the play starts
Part 2 The Tempest before the play starts 完成句子
An Inspector Calls Opening Quiz
An Inspector Calls Opening Quiz 測驗
Macbeth themes
Macbeth themes 隨機輪盤
Romeo and Juliet quotation jumble
Romeo and Juliet quotation jumble 句子排列
Macbeth Plot Sort Challenge!
Macbeth Plot Sort Challenge! 按組排序
Macbeth crossword
Macbeth crossword 填字遊戲
Film und Fernsehen
Film und Fernsehen 匹配遊戲
An Inspector Calls
An Inspector Calls 隨機輪盤
Film Review Conventions
Film Review Conventions 匹配遊戲
Film genres 1
Film genres 1 匹配遊戲
Film and TV
Film and TV 句子排列
Types of film
Types of film 拼字遊戲
Oliver Twist: Play
Oliver Twist: Play 測驗
film e libri - conversazione
film e libri - conversazione 隨機卡
Film quotes - name the actor
Film quotes - name the actor 圖像測驗
How to organise your ideas for a film review.
How to organise your ideas for a film review. 按組排序
Drama Techniques
Drama Techniques 匹配遊戲
Beatrice Much Ado About Nothing
Beatrice Much Ado About Nothing 按組排序
TV & Film
TV & Film 搜字遊戲
Themes in an Inspector Calls
Themes in an Inspector Calls 打地鼠
Film genres
Film genres 匹配遊戲
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet 測驗
A Midsummer Night's Dream True or False
A Midsummer Night's Dream True or False 測驗
Missing Words- Romeo and Juliet
Missing Words- Romeo and Juliet 完成句子
Romeo & Juliet - introductory quiz
Romeo & Juliet - introductory quiz 查找匹配項
inspector calls characters
inspector calls characters 配對遊戲
Settings in literature
Settings in literature 查找匹配項
Oliver Twist: Nancy
Oliver Twist: Nancy 測驗
spellings 搜字遊戲
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