1) Lucy’s plane ... at 10.30 a.m. a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving 2) Do you remember? I ... to your house tomorrow. a) will come b) am coming c) come 3) The train ... in London at 11.00 p.m. a) is arriving b) arrives c) will arrive 4) Susan ... shopping with Ann this afternoon. a) is going b) will go c) goes 5) When I ... my homework, I’ll see my friends. a) will finish b) finishing c) finish 6) We ... our test this morning. a) are doing b) will do c) doing 7) Mr. Reads ... his poems tonight. a) is reading b) will read c) reads 8) My mum bought a new dress. She ... to a party on Saturday. a) is going b) will go c) is going to go 9) Our English lesson ... in half an hour. a) starts b) is starting c) start 10) Would you like something to eat? I ... a sandwich. a) have b) will have c) am having 11) Look at that black cloud! It ... a) will rain b) rains c) is going to rain

Future tenses (will/going to/present cont.)





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