a gradual change, actually happened, conspicuous clothing, intellectual conversations, became habitual, absolutely ridiculous, punctual to class, continuous chattering, in a virtual reality, a lengthy bedtime ritual, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, TOO BAD!, punctuate all sentences, large nodule on my head, a strenuous hike, add to the schedule, popular video game, ready to graduate, mutual friends, individual servings, the swinging pendulum, going to happen eventually, factual sources, nightmare about a tarantula, meticulous note taking, received a spatula for Christmas, miraculous turnaround, sticky situation, spectacular performance, residual effect of the war, spiritual health, fluctuating size, perpetual darkness, evaluate the questions, fabulous afternoon, don't make it habitual, situated in the corner of the room, curious about your current situation, fortunate to stay in a mansion, gave to the annual fund, continually running into things, voted for the actual president of the US, congratulate the winner, need a visual, pick up each individual block.

Julia and Alyssa - u, du, tu patterns






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