1) Talk about a dangerous accident that happened at your house 2) Some people say that youth is a state of mind, do you agree? 3) Do you consider photography as an art form? 4) What is the most creative business you have ever heard about? 5) Is self-confidence a bad personality trait? 6) What do you find difficult about learning English? 7) Which other invention do you consider useful in everyday life? 8) Some people need to have the latest model of things such as a mobile phone or a car. Why do you think that is? 9) Some people are reluctant to adopt new technologies. Why do you think that is? 10) How might people benefit from being famous? 11) Should there be any restrictions on what journalists can write about famous people?  12) Why do you think reality TV shows are so popular?  13) What do you think will be most popular jobs in the future? 14) What careers do most young people choose in your country nowadays?  15) Do you think the things people value in life will change in the future?  16) Is it important to have long term plans in life? 17) How important is it to keep the right balance in your life? 18) Which do you think is more important - the place you live in or the people who live near you? 19) What do you consider to be important for a good quality of life?  20) Some people say that change is always a good thing. Do you agree?





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