1) 1 января a) The oneth of Junuary b) The first of Januari  c) The one of January d) The first of January 2) 2-е февраля a) The twoth of February b) The second of Fewruary c) The second of February d) The two of February 3) 3 марта a) The third of Mach b) The third of March c) The three of Marth d) The threeth of March 4) 4-е апреля a) The fourth of April b) The four of April c) The fourth of Aprel 5) 5-е мая a) The fiveth of May b) The fifs of May c) The fifteenth of May d) The fifth of May 6) 6-е июня a) The sixth of June b) The six of June c) The sixs of July 7) 11-е июля a) The elevens of July b) The eleven of June c) The eleventh of July 8) 12 августа a) The twelves of August b) The twelfth of August c) The twelfes of August  9) 16 сентября a) The sixteenth of September b) The sixteens of December c) The seventeens of September d) The sixteenth of Dicember 10) 20 октября  a) The twentis of October b) The twentieth of October  c) The twentith of October 11) 22 ноября a) The twenty-second of Novamber b) The twenty-twoth of November c) The twenty-second of November 





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