motive - a reason for doing something, blackmail - to force somebody to give you money or do something for you by threatening them, for example by saying you will tell people a secret about them, jealous - feeling angry or unhappy because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else, kill - to make somebody/something die, robbery - the crime of stealing money or goods from a bank, shop, person, etc., especially using violence or threats, blank - a cartridge in a gun that contains an explosive but no bullet, fingerprints - a mark made by the pattern of lines on the tip of a person’s finger, often used by the police to identify criminals, murder - the crime of killing somebody deliberately, prison - a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime they have committed, or while they are waiting for trial, fire - to shoot bullets, etc. from a gun or other weapon, threaten - to say that you will cause trouble, hurt somebody, etc. if you do not get what you want, arrest - if the police arrest somebody, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty of a crime,





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