How do families pass on values? - Through example, communication or religious training, What is tradition? - Something your family does once a year every year. Example: holidays, Nuclear family - Includes a mother and father and at least one child, Single-parent family - Includes either a mother or a father and at least one child, Blended family - Formed when a single parent marries another person, who may or may not have children, Extended family - Includes a parent or parents, at least one child, and relatives other than a parent or child who lives with them, Legal guardian - Person who is designated by a legal process to assume responsibility for raising a child, Physical needs - Food, clothing, and shelter, Emotional needs - Children feel safe, loved and cared for, Social needs - Learn how to make friends and work with other people, Intellectual needs - Children need their minds stimulated and to learn about the world and become educated. , Authoritarian - Parents believe children should obey their parents without question. Parents tell a child what to do, Assertive-democratic - Children have more input into the rules and limits of the home, Permissive - Parents give children a wide range of freedom. Children may set their own rules,





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