1) I´d never seen __ beautiful sunset before. a) so b) such c) too d) such a e) so many f) a too 2) The tigers were ______ far away to see them properly. a) such b) enough c) too d) so e) such a f) to 3) There wasn't _______ time to finish the project. a) too b) enough c) such a d) such e) so many f) so much 4) We had _______ great time at the park a) too b) a so c) enough d) such a e) too much f) so many 5) I was late because there was _______ traffic a) such a b) too much c) enough d) too many e) so many f) so 6) I've never had ____ fun in my life. a) such b) too c) so d) such a e) so many f) so much 7) The child wasn't ______ to go on the ride. a) tall b) too tall c) tall enough d) so tall e) such tall f) as tall 8) He ran ___ quickly that his photo was a blur. a) so b) such c) too d) so many e) enough f) such a 9) She hates the colour yellow ___ that it makes her sick. a) too many b) so many c) such d) so e) so much f) enough 10) We don't have _____ to harvest the crops a) time enough b) such time c) so time d) enough time e) too many time f) such a time

So, Such, Too and Enough B1 + Gold Experience





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