How do you feel when you get out of bed on Monday mornings?, How do you feel when you hear classical music?, In general, what mood are you in on Saturday nights?, How do you feel when someone tells you to speak English only?, How would you describe your emotion if you scored very low on a test?, How do you feel when you spend time with your grandparents or extended family?, How do you feel when you want to say something but you don’t know how to say it in English?, How would you describe your emotions after meeting a wonderful person at a party?, How do you feel when you are told to do something you hate doing?, How do you feel when you have to speak in front of other students?, How do you feel when someone says “I love you!”, Are you usually in a better mood in the morning or late at night? , How do you usually feel when you don't get 8 hours of sleep?, Are you moody? Talk about something that puts you in a bad mood/good mood and why?, When is your happiest memory? Why did it make you happy?.

B3-B4 M2 W1 Discussing Emotions






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