Matthew played basketball last weekend., Andrew and his friends did not feel happy on the trip., Isabela and her mother cooked pasta on Sunday., Where did Isabela go swimming yesterday afternoon?, Pablo bought a pair of shoes in the mall., David's brother traveled across the US last month., Did Salvador send a message to his sister in February?, Yesterday Benjamin spoke English during the whole class., Where did you buy those black shoes?, Ema used her cellphone when she was at home. , Salome ran to her house after the football match., How many people did you invite to the party?, Antonio and his father rode bicycle for 4 hours on Saturday., Angelica drank some water during the break., Did Matias watch a complete TV series without pauses?, Laura gave a hug to her two brothers., Luciana made a delicious breakfast for all her family., Who wrote an email to their cousin last Christmas?, My grandmother gave my mother a beautiful necklace., In my previous school we finished classes at midday., We did our homework fast because it was easy., My sister did not do anything in her last class., When did you have your first English class with me?, I read some books about Greek mythology yesterday., Who told you that I was here?,





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