1) _______ Gabriella ______________________ fast food? a) have// been cooking b) has // been eating c) has // been drinking 2) Donald Trump _____________________ attention to the scientists about covid-19. a) hasn't been paying b) has not been pay c) hasn't been listening 3) John and I ______________________ Portuguese  a) has been learning b) has been speaking c) have been learning 4) I have been eating healthy ______ 2 weeks. a) since b) for 5) Francis and I haven't been seeing each other ______ this morning. a) for b) since 6) Alex and Tonny ______________________ yoga for 1 hour. a) has being doing b) have been doing c) has done 7) ______ Marge Simpsons and Homer Simpsons _______________________ together for 20 years? a) has // been living b) have // been living c) has // been studying 8) I have been studying English ______ my English friend came to Chile. a) since b) for 9) I have been training ______ noon. a) since b) for 10) _______ my parents ______________________ "La Jauría"? a) has // been watching b) did // watched c) have // been watching 11) I _____________________ to rock music during this quarantine.  a) have been listening b) has listened c) Has been listening 12) _______ my dog "Fili" ___________________ his water? a) have // been drinking b) has // being drinking c) has // been drinking

Present Perfect Continuous.





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