1) Help Anakin be da chosen onee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a) Star wars chosen one b) Did Rey Fight Lord Vader?? c) Is Barney In Star Wars????????????????????????? 2) Do you like luke or leia???? a) leia b) leia c) luke d) leia e) luke f) luke 3) Make Luke Kill sidus a) Luke Killed Sidus b) hello there boiiiiii c) You Were The Chosen One d) I hate You e) It's over Anakin I have the high ground f) You Underestimate My Power 4) Anakin's Betrayal a) Anakin Raiding The Jedi Temple b) Anakin to old!!!!!! 5) Witch one is the father/son moment??? a) b) 6) Who Killed Mace Windu? a) Lord Vader b) Anakin c) Obi Wan Kenobi d) Jango Fett 7) What movie was the duel on mustafar ? a) Revenge Of The Sith b) A New Hope c) The Rise Of Skywalker 8) What Movie Was Luke And Leia born a) The Last Jedi b) Phantom Menace c) Revenge of the sith d) A new Hope e) The Last Jedi 9) who was the chosen one? a) Obi Wan Kenobi b) Anakin Skywalker c) Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Test





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