Team - Group playing on same side, Encourage - To inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence to do something, Field - A piece of ground devoted to sports or contests, Game - An activity in which players compete against others, Extremely - In an extreme degree, Defeat - Win a game, Windy - With a lot of wind, Cheer - To give shouts of approval, Sunny - Having much sunshine, Tournament - A trial of skill in some game, in which players play a series of contests, Win - To finish first, as in a race or contest, Consist of - To be made up, formed, or composed, Foggy - Thick with or having much fog, End up - To become eventually; turn out to be, Brave - Having or showing courage; unafraid of dangerous things:, Challenging - Testing someone's skill or ability because of its difficulty, Train - To become fit by proper exercise, diet, etc., as for an athletic performance:, Freezing - Feeling very cold, Rainy - Having great amounts of rain, Suddenly - Quickly and without warning; unexpectedly,





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