Nutritionist - Specialist of food and diet , Vending machine - A machine you can find in public places to buy quick snacks from , Agriculture - The practice of growing plants and raising farm animals., Pressure cooker  - A pot where you can cook food very quickly over high heat, Processed food - FOod that is not completely natural with the products add to it , Canned food - Food that is stored in a tin to make it easy to use and save it from going bad., preservatives - things that are added to food to make it last longer, Discover - To explore new things , May/Might - This is used to show possibility , Unfair - Something that is not fair, Performing - Something that works , Inventions - Something that has been invented , Natural - Something that has come from nature , Chemicals - Something that has been artificially made, Expert - A person who has a lot of knowledge , Consume - To eat or use something up, Human Intervention - When humans intervene , Time invested - The time you spend on something , Wholesome - Something that helps good health and wellbeing ,

T3 Grade 10 Advanced Lessons 9-10





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