AFFIRMATIVE FORM: I'll be a doctor., He'll work in big city., She will study Spanish., They will play soccer., We'll travel to France., I will be a nurse., I'll learn English., We'll have a happy life., You'll be a good teacher., He'll be rich., NEGATIVE FORM: I won't be a doctor., He won't work in big city., She will not study Spanish., They won't play soccer., I won't learn English., I will not be a nurse., We will not travel to London., We won't have a happy life., I will not work from Monday to Saturday., She won't be rich., INTERROGATIVE FORM: Will he travel next year?, Will she study Spanish?, Will they play soccer?, Will you travel to Brazil?, Will you be rich?, Will he have a big family?, Will we work Saturday and Sunday?, Will they have a great job?, Will we have serious problems?, Will you have a happy life?,

Future with will





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