1) I've got a toothache. a) You should lie down. b) You should go to the dentist c) You should drink lot of water. 2) I've got a cough. a) You should go to the dentist. b) You should go to school. c) You should drink lot of water 3) I've got a headache. a) You should play football b) You should take painkillers c) You should eat ice cream. 4) I've got a sore throat. a) You should drink warm tea. b) You should take a shower. c) You should eat lot of sweets. 5) I've got a cold. a) You should wash you hands. b) You should stay in bed c) You shouldn't drink tea. 6) I've got an earache. a) You should go to the doctor. b) You should go to the library.  c) You should sing a song. 7) I've got a stomach-ache. a) You should eat pizza. b) You should play the piano. c) You shouldn't go to school. 8) I've got a runny nose. a) You should wear gloves. b) You should drink hot tea with honey. c) You should go to hospital. 9) I've got flu. a) You should play computer games. b) You shouldn't drink cold drinks. c) You shouldn't stay at home.  10) I've got a broken arm. a) You shouldn't play football. b) You should eat chocolate. c) You should play volleyball.





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