busking - playing music or singing in a public place so that the people who are there will give money, concentrate - to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem, dance music - a type of music with a strong beat that people dance to in a nightclub, entertaining - funny and enjoyable, jazz - a type of modern music originally developed by African-Americans, with a rhythm in which the strong notes often come before the beat, lyrics - the words of a song, melody - a tune, often forming part of a larger piece of music, musician - someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job, opera - a musical play in which most of the words are sung, or plays and music of this type, performance - the action of entertaining other people by dancing, singing, acting, or playing music, pop - modern popular music, usually with a strong beat, created with electrical or electronic equipment, and easy to listen to and remember, rap - a type of popular music with a strong rhythm in which the words are spoken, not sung, rock - a type of popular music with a strong, loud beat that is usually played with electric guitars and drums,

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