1)  I ______________ (earn) a lot of money if I got that job. a) would earn b) will earn c) earn 2) If I _____________ (be) you, I would try harder. a) be b) am c) were 3) If she __________ (not/hurry), we will miss the bus. a) did not hurry b) does not hurry c) do not hurry 4) If I study well , I ____________(pass) the exams. a) will pass b) pass c) would pass 5) If Tim and Tom ___________(be) , they would play in our hockey team. a) are older b) were older c) had been older 6) If you heat water to 100 C°, it _____________________(boil). a) boils b) will boil c) would boil 7) If he had a lot of money, he __________________(start) his own business. a) starts b) will start c) would start 8) I will go out with my friends when I ___________________(finish) my project. a) finish b) finished c) had finished 9) Unless Ann gets high degree in her exams, she ______________(not/join) the university. a) doesn't join b) won't join c) wouldn't join 10) If it ________________(rain), I will take my umbrella. a) rains b) rained c) had rained 11) We would ___________ (go out) if we weren´t in pandemic.  a) went out b) go out c) goes out 12) If the weather is good, I _______ (visit) my parents. a) visits b) am visiting c) will visit 13) If you drive fast, you _______ (have) an accident. a) can have b) don´t have c) can has 14) You may be fined if you ________ (infringe) the restrictions. a) infringe b) will infringe c) don´t infringe 15) If you mix red and blue, you _______ (get) purple. a) will get b) gets c) get 16) Plants die if they ________ (not/get) enough water. a) won´t get b) don´t get c) doesn´t get

If conditionals 0, 1 & 2





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