1. You use your ____ to chew the food you eat.2. You use your ____ to talk and eat with. 3. You have two ____ that you use to hear things with. 4. Your ____ goes from the top of your legs to your neck. 5. Your ____ is inside your head and you use it for thinking and remembering. 6. You have four ____ and a thumb on each hand to pick things up with. 7. You have two ____ which connect your arms to your body and allow them to move around. 1. You use your ____ to smell things with.2. You have two ____ that you use to lift things up with. 3. You have ____ on your head and it can be long, short or different colours. 4. Men grow ____ on their faces. Some shave them off and some keep them. 5. You have two ____, about half way up each of your arms. 6. Your ____ are just above your feet and they let your feet bend, so that you can run and jump.

EC A2+ Vocabulary Check Unit 6 Ex. 2/3





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