1) Can I have ......... orange juice? a) some b) any c) much d) many 2) We haven't got .......... time so hurry up! a) any b) much c) many d) some 3) Have you got ...... books about snakes? a) a b) any 4) How ..... wine do you need? a) much b) many 5) Can you give me ...... hand? a) a b) an c) any 6) My sister eats ..... sweets. a) a lot of b) an c) many 7) I need ..... money. a) some b) a few c) any 8) How ..... bags have you got? a) a b) much c) many 9) Are there ....... chairs in the classroom. a) any b) many c) much 10) We bought ....... new car yesterday. a) an b) a c) little





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