Would you ever ................................. (tattoo / do)?, How often do you .................................. (your eyes / check), How often do you ............................ (your teeth / clean) at the dentist's?, Have you ever ...................... (your hair / dye), Have you ever ....................... (clothes / make) for you?, Have you ever .................... (your photo / take) by a professional?, Have you ever ...................... (sth / steal)?, Have you ever .................... (your social media account / block / or / delete), When was the last time you ..................... (sth / repair)?, How often do you .................... (your hair / cut)?, Would you like to ...................... (your room / redecorate) by a professional?, When was the last time you ................... (sth / deliver)?, Think of the last thing you .................... (grade). Did you do well? :), Have you ever ........................ (your body or its part / masssage) by a professional? .

RFF - unit 6 - HAVE/GET STH DONE (speaking)






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