1) He _______________ the Net right now. a) is surfing b) surfs 2) Alina and Sally ______________ hard. a) usually work b) are usually working 3) What time ___________ every morning? a) do you wake up b) are you waking up 4) She ____________ eating fruit. a) doesn't like b) isn't liking 5) My mum ___________ my room every day. a) is tidying b) tidies 6) Listen! The baby _____________. a) is crying b) cries 7) They __________ to the UK next month. a) travel b) are travelling 8) My friend __________ tea. a) is never drinking b) never drinks 9) ___________ to school by bus? a) Does she usually go b) Is she usually going 10) Listen!!! That girl __________ a great song! a) is singing b) sings

Present Simple vs Present Continuous





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