; - A semicolon is used to link two independent clauses that are closely related in thought., : - A colon is used to introduce a list, quotation or an explanation., - - - A pair of dashes is used to add extra information to a sentence., () - Brackets are used to add extra information to a sentence., ... - Ellipsis is used to show missing words., , - A comma is used to indicate a pause in a sentence or to seperate words in a list., . - A full stop is used at the end of a sentence., ! - An explanation mark is used to show expression at the end of a sentence., ABC - Capital letters are used for the first word in a sentence, for proper nouns, personal pronouns, titles and names., ? - A question mark is used to show a question (doubt or uncertainty about something)., ' - An apostrophe is used to show contraction or possession.,

Year 7 Punctuation Match Up





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